读完这个讲稿,我们应该相信他(政府)有很多没被公开的数据,如这一次他公开的说了《Almost all HDB first-timers now buy new flats instead of resale flats》,那Resales由谁买去了?PR和SecondTimer和其他啦(单身,买了超过两间新的HDB的,等等),各占比例多少?他只讲单身一年有4000人,其他没讲的,我不懂,可是他还是要把一部分的PR和SecondTimer和单身的Demand去掉,所以他要PR给5%的ABSD和提高SecondTimer的BTO的Quota和让单身的买新HDB。
为什么要把这些Demand拿掉,因为他如果不这么做的话,Resale还是会上升,而他不要,他已经讲了很多次他要Stabilize《we stabilised BTO prices by de-linking them from the resale market. This is done by increasing subsidy and keeping BTO prices steady even as resale prices go up. We are committed to continuing it until the market stabilises. Mr Giam asked what I meant by stability. We assess it by examining the Resale Price Index》。
他还是没有讲清楚Stabilize到底是容许价格上下多少,可是他讲了《On the various cooling measures introduced, Mr Khaw said the government is aiming for a "soft-landing" approach, not a sharp correction to the property market.He said around 40 to 50 per cent of homeowners are still servicing mortgages and a drastic drop in property prices may prompt banks to ask the homeowners to top up loans, causing severe financial problems.》(http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/print/1259045/1/.html)
和之前那个一直说MarketForce的不同,他直接讲了《 this is within our control as we set BTO prices and HDB is the largest housing developer.》。
有人(鹿?)始终不明白什么是BTO,担心HDB这几年建的几万间屋子没人要,KBW的演讲里已经告诉大家了,《 Currently, there is only a small outstanding stock of about 5,000 flats in various stages of construction 》,为什么KBW说这个数目是Small,因为他知道这些屋子推出后一定被抢购得七七八八!
还有,他也讲了不会每年都建25000间的,DemandBackLog clear了,他就会少建了。
所以?BTO价钱会掉吗?只要HDB还是Within KBW的Control,我觉得不会。
Resales价格会掉吗?可能会,可是我觉得他不会让它掉太多(drastic drop),我觉得10%有可能,20%-30%不可能。
还有他说的《 We can now pause and see what else we can do to bring BTO prices in non-mature estates to say, around 4 years of salary as it was before the current property cycle started. We will do so partly through cooling measures to nudge the property market down; partly by seeing if an alternative housing option can be designed.》,我觉得他不会在现有的Policy下让《BTO prices in non-mature estates to say, around 4 years of salary》,而是修改Policy,可能只能卖回给HDB,可能Lease只有60年,可能只有Tengah的BTO才是这个价
